
Why Do You Have Allergy Symptoms and Others Don't?

Years ago, I used to suffer with seasonal allergies and used both over the counter and prescriptions to help deal with them. They helped a little. 
Over time I noticed that with each new season the allergies were worse than the year before. And then they started to reverse and not be as bad as the previous years. 
So, what was the difference? I’ll share that in a bit. 

First, I want to go over just a few of the potential triggers that aggravate seasonal allergies.

Leaky Gut and an Imbalance of Gut Microbiome - Inflammatory diets comprised of processed foods are just one contributing factors to these conditions. Stress, food intolerance, medications, poor sleep, and toxins all impact GI health and its function. 

Stress- It causes elevations in cortisol and adrenaline, which will impact immune function. Have you ever noticed that stressed out people tend to be sick more often?
Chronic stress often results in a decrease in digestive enzyme production and stomach acid levels. The inadequate enzyme and the stomach acid production then leads to undigested food within the GI tract. Undigested food can cause lots of GI inflammation, gut imbalance, candida overgrowth, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, etc.
Alcohol – This can have significant negative impacts on the GI microbiome. A glass here or there is probably insignificant, well, depending on the size of your glass, but regular consumption of alcohol in all forms (beer, wine, martinis, scotch, etc.) will most assuredly cause some significant GI dysfunction and imbalance. 
Drugs that can trigger asthma and allergy-like symptoms.
Antibiotic Use – as you know sometimes antibiotics are necessary, but the overuse of antibiotics contributes to some of the imbalance of the GI microbiomes**

Beta blockers -  Drugs such as labetalol or propranolol are often used to treat high blood pressure, heart disease and migraine. But they can also provoke asthma symptoms in people who have the condition. 

ACE inhibitors - Drugs like lisinopril and enalapril, which are used for high blood pressure or heart disease, can cause a cough — including wheezing — in about 10 percent of patients, studies show. This usually resolves once you stop the medication. If you notice this symptom, talk to your doctor. You may be able to switch to a different class of medication.
NSAIDs - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief, such as ibuprofen, can cause a leaky gut and GI inflammation, which in turn can cause increases in histamine levels which causes allergy symptoms.
You are bombarded by a huge variety of toxins, day in and day out, through just about everything. And this contributes to the development and progression of seasonal allergies in ways causing your immune system’s tendency to over-react:
  • Toxins damage the thin, delicate mucosal layer of the gut lining.
  • Toxins inflame the immune system’s reactivity to all potential threats. 
  • Toxins worsen gut imbalances, as contact with toxins damages our beneficial gut microbiota the good “bugs”.
  • Toxins increase inflammation throughout the body. This in turn interferes with the proper functioning of the immune system. So, your immune system tries to compensate by reacting more and more, to overcome the inflammation.
So, there you have it – some of the main root causes of seasonal allergies.

By now you can probably guess what has made the difference for me, but I’ll spell it out.

I was already eating well, taking high quality plant based LLV Supplements, and exercising but realized that I needed to reduce as many toxins as possible if I wanted to live healthier younger longer. As I started replacing everyday household and personal care products with those containing no or next to no harmful chemicals, I saw that my allergies were not as severe.  
As I learned more, I started doing ‘seasonal cleanses’ and that helped even more. I then learned that those ‘seasonal’ cleanses that I did about four times a year were very helpful in getting my gut into a healthier state but didn’t do much for the rest of my organs. So, I replaced two of the ‘seasonal’ cleanses with a cleanse that helps all my organs. That made the difference! 
How do I know this is what did it for me, well – during the pandemic I didn’t do the cleanses. I was concerned that when doing them I might be more vulnerable. And towards the end of the pandemic, I noticed my allergies coming back. 
Since having gone back to regularly doing the cleanses, I now only have a reaction when the Juniper Trees have a major release or there is a really bad forest fire nearby. 

I also discovered that not all cleanses are the same
I had done some decades before that didn’t do much for me except - I was always looking for the nearest restrooms! 
What I do now is gentle on the body, yet effective. I am not really aware I am doing it except for the additional supplements I take.
If you are interested to learn more about them, 
click this button to contact me. 
Want some non-toxic relief right NOW? Check out these posts:

Get my free guide with simple things you can start doing today to reduce your toxins.

I hope you found this helpful.

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